Legal notice
This site is hosted by:
OVH - 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix, France
P : +33 (0)9 72 10 10 07
Mickaël Walter is the author and publisher of
Collected data and privacy
I am convinced that privacy is a key right in the digital world. This website should not use any cookie (unless the functional ones you should not have as a visitor). If you see that a cookie is set from this website, let me a message on Mastodon. Integration with other services is sometimes tricky and I will be glad to cut the external tracker.
I do collect some analytics with a self-hosted solution. You can learn more about it here:
In a nutshell, this solution respects the DNT flag set by your browser (if set, no data is collected) and only collects aggregated data, including:
- Hits count
- Mean session duration
- Most used browsers
- Load times
It does not collect your IP address nor uses cookies to track you down. I am not interested in your ad profile and only want to have some insight in my website traffic volume and experience.
If you have an ad blocker, it is likely that your DNT flag is set. In this case, nothing is logged.
Warning about computer hacking activities
I do not encourage illegal computer hacking and remind you that ethical hacking requires a written contract between the auditor and the owner of the information system. Moreover, the opinions and thoughs on this blog are not the ones of my employer but mine.
Mise en garde concernant les activités de piratage informatique
Les informations diffusées sur ce site sont à usage informatif et doivent être utilisées de manière responsable. La loi française (plus particulièrement les articles 323-1 à 323-7 du Code Pénal) réprime sévèrement (plusieurs mois à années de prison et de fortes amendes) le fait de s’introduire et/ou de se maintenir frauduleusement dans un système informatique ainsi qu’en altérer les données.
Ainsi avant de mettre en pratique quoi que ce soit qui pourrait être énoncé sur ce site, veillez à obtenir l’accord écrit préalable de toutes les entités concernées s’il ne s’agit de votre propre matériel informatique.